I recently asked this question to a friend of mine. His response....
"I don't think anyone has ever asked me that before."
He was unable to give me an answer. This distressed me even more because this person is amazing and even I could think of some answers for him, but I did not provide them because I want him to hopefully really ponder this question. Maybe in doing so he will discover a little more about himself than he knew.
So I pose this question to all who visit my blog....
What are you passionate about?
I think that the answer to this question can tell you so much about a person and I want to know as much as I can about the people who are thoughtful enough to take time out of their day and visit me here.
My answer:
My children....making sure they receive the upbringing they deserve and that they are able to choose who they become.
Pit Bulls....Most who know me know who Butter is and the "issues" I have had to face since having her. I am determined to try and convince as many people as possible that it is the deed you blame, not this wonderful, loving breed.
Illegal immigration....I live in a state where I have to deal daily with illegals. I have personally felt the results of having someone steal you identity (actually it was my 11 year old daughter's) and I believe strongly that they have no right to be here if they did not go through the right channels. I don't care how difficult those channels may be.
Those would be my top three. I can't wait to hear all of yours.
Hey! Thanks so much for your nice message on my blog, and thanks so much for putting me on your page! I'm still getting the hang of blogging. I loved reading about your passions. I want to raise wonderful kids too -- my biggest priority. We have a dog that's part pit bull. He has some quirks but I know he would die for any of us. I am a major animal lover and have a huge soft spot for strays. I fed four stray cats at our old house and we have four permanent pets. Thanks so much for getting in touch!
Is Butter a purebred Pit Bull? I know that is a stupid question, but I imagined a smaller, whiter out of the incredible journey type of dog. Although 'Bolger' might have been a BullDog. Sorry for my ignorance but is he what all the fuss is about. I somehow expected rage in his looks.
Gimme....Butter is pure as far as I know....a red nosed American Pit Bull Terrier.
I believe the dog you are talking about is a British Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
I am not clear on who's "looks" you are talking about....Bolger or Butter. In either case, Pits are loving and have a great need to please their owners. They often act the clown just to make you laugh. And yes a dog can tell when his/her owner is laughing.
I have a British Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
I absolutely love him to death!!
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