Monday, July 16, 2007

Let the tagging continue...

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.

2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits aboutthemselves.

3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eightthings and post these rules.

4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight random things about Jo:

1-I love to cook (and I'm good at it)
2- In high school I weighed 200 lbs.
3- I have a fear of deep, open water
4- I am a very crafty person
5- I can fix just about anything
6- I am a clean freak
7- I am horrible with finances
8- I am a soft person at heart

I am tagging CD,Jayne, KB, Mark, Toadee, Mutters, Patti and Hera.



KB said...


Toadee said...

and tag again lol

Head Cookie said...

this has been a great game I love learning about everyone very cool info.

morgetron said...

You are a women of multiple facets. And, I'm only tagging imaginary people, so you are safe from moi.

Shadows said...

Great place that you have here. It was fun to visit.


William said...

stopped by looking for another cougar adventure....

William said...

that's right.. TAG.. AGAIN.. see my blog for further info

mutters said...

Eight things about me?

1. I have the same waist size I had when I was 17
2. I have a sixth sense that just KNOWS when people are telling lies or otherwise deceiving.
3. I like animals (especially dogs) more than people.
4. I would give up my testicles to race superbikes for a living (if testicle weren't an essential prerequisite for success in such - it's why women can't do it, I'll explain later if need be).
5. I hold a special contempt for liars.
6. I excel at three things: racing superbikes, sex, and rolling smokes (have done that whilst on a rollercoaster).
7. I've skydived about 250 timess and find it a wee bit boring actually.
8. I think I very well may actually kill someone someday.

There y go - that's Mutters (or part thereof at least - a complicated soul he is).